Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Trouble With Self Esteem

Self esteem does have an impact on how people live and act. If someone does have a low self esteem, they will obviously be upset and be in miserable moods at times, now that does not mean all the time. Someone who is in a miserable mood is obviously going to have miserable actions. For instance, on day where someone is having low thoughts about themselves, they will already be upset as it is, and then if they have a paper to right that night, they probably are not going to do a great job on that paper because they are o upset. Now, if someone with a high self esteem and was thinking well of themselves one day would be in a good mood. If this person were to right a paper that night, the outcome would be good, I’m not saying that it would be the best outcome ever because I and everyone else knows that there are other things that could go on to make you in a bad mood, but with that notion of thinking highly of yourself at that moment is going to result in a much better paper than that of a person thinking very low of themselves. The actions people make reflect on how they are feeling when they are doing those actions.

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