Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Frogiveness letter to me

Dear Ciara,

This is the last thing I expected myself to do and I know for a fact that this is going to be a huge shock to you as well, but here it is. Remember all those time we go into arguments? All the arguments that led to you saying stuff like “ good one, dropout.”, “and this coming from the 19 year old freshmen” or the worst “how does it feel that I passed you in school?” in front of my friends. Yes, I know that a lot of my friends did the same thing I did, but some have not, but the point is, that it is just damn right embarrassing. Not only did that embarrass me every time you said something like, it hurt like hell. I know I did not show it but, hey you know me… Do I ever show my feelings toward anything, to anyone? So for me to be writing you this letter is big, it means that it really upset me, especially coming from you. I know we have never really had that great of a relationship but you know I care, you know I love you and that’s why I want to say “it’s okay.” it’s okay that you said all those hurtful and embarrassing things. It’s okay that you made me feel like a failure, because deep down I know you only said those things out of anger, I know you look up to me and I know you wouldn’t purposely want to hurt me. Not only do I know that deep down, I know that because I’ve heard your conversations with your friends, ya know, the ones when you say “Dropping out is not necessarily a bad thing, school just isn’t for some people, and that’s okay. I know plenty of people, my brother, who have not finished school and they are doing great things with their lives.” You probably never thought I heard those conversations, but I did and those mean so much to me and so it’s okay. But, the hardest thing to deal with was even though I got my GED as soon as I could, and I passed the test with flying colors, you still said things like that. You still made me feel like a failure and just made me feel plain stupid. But it’s okay because I’ve learned to look past that and be the bigger person and say, “it’s okay.” So, remember this. Remember that I’m you big brother you still love you no matter what. Remember that I forgive you.

Your big brother,

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