Sunday, October 26, 2008

From body part to me

Dear Ciara,

So rumor has it that you want get me pierced... Is this true? If so let me lay down the law.

This is going to hurt me like hell! A big metal bar is going through one part of skin and out through another, just for a little gem to be there? If that's what you call cute, that's your opinion... Anyway, that's beside the point. As I said before, this is going to kill so I would think that you would have enough common courtesy to even ask me! But NOO, so I'm going to be the bigger person here and let you do this. I'm going to let you stab me through my whole being...

For a cost.

You will follow all the instructions that the person physically doing this to me (oh how i would love to hurt them!) tells you to do. Other than that, will take extra special care of me. Instead of waiting those six months to stick all different kids of metal bars into me, you will wait a year. Yeah, I said it, a year. I want extra time to heal and to get used to it. What does that person piercing me know? He's not a bellybutton! He doesn't know how I feel and how long it really takes for me to stop hurting! So one year it is.
Another thing, none of those big dangling things are allowed. They will really just drag me down. Hey, I'm not a body builder here, I can't hold all that weight. So, please, stick to the little gems, you'll survive.
And last but certainly not least, keep me clean! Make sure you wash me everyday and dry me thouroly, I'm not trying to get sick. I've never been sick before and I'm not about to start here. So PLEASE keep me clean!
Now that's not too hard, right? Good. So, just do this for me, I'm doing this for you, I'm letting you stick me with a big metal bar, so the least you could do is respect these few wishes of mine.


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