Sunday, October 26, 2008

letter to myself (10 years to the future)

Dear Ciara,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How does it feel that you (me?) are 26 years old? I always wondered what it would feel like, now you can tell me; or now I can feel it. Do you still remember what it feels like to be 16? Well, if you don't I'm going tell you because some pretty important and life-changing events have happened...

Well right now i am almost sixteen and half and already in these five months I've become a different person from June 16, 2008. On that day, you took your two finals at school and then your six best friends came over for cake and ice cream and to celebrate your birthday. That was a great day, not only because it was your sweet sixteen, but because that was last day you put your feelings last and the last day you let people walk all over you. After that day you learned how to stand up for yourself and how to express your true feelings.
All your life you have been too nice. If someone hurt you, you never did much to let them know. All you needed was a small apology and you didn't even care to think if it was meaningful or not. You never wanted, let alone asked, for a, explanation, reason, anything. Everything was an "I'll just let this one slide" situation. And you know, it never really seemed to bother you. Until the summer of 2008...

Problem after problem. Fight after fight. Lie after lie. This was changing you who were. Nothing was going right. and you couldn't stand it anymore. Finally you stood up for yourself. Finally no one walked all over you and you finally expressed your true feelings...
This changed your life..

You were finally happy.

Now do you remember what it feels like to be 16? Do still feel that way? If so, then I have succeeded. YOU have succeeded and this letter was just a mere flashback of how things used to be. Just a mere reminder to never let that guard down again, ever.

Have a wonderful birthday,
Ciara (16 years old)

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