Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letter found on the Titanic

My dearest love,
The ship leaves in two days! Two more days until my long journey home to see you. I can't wait to see you, this time apart has made me realize so much. It has made me realize what you really mean to me...

You mean the world to me.

You have made me the person I am today, and without you I wouldn't be where I am today. Trough all the ups and downs you were always there. No matter what. Even if I was 150% wrong with something, you were always there standing by me and never doubting me and I thank you so much for that... I don't think I say that enough and I'm sorry for that. I don't show my appreciation for you enough and so I am now in this letter. I am showing my appreciation to you by saying "yes, I will marry you." I'm sorry it took me so long to give you my answer, I was just scared because I didn't know what I was feeling because I didn't know how to express it. But I have finally realized how to and that's is taking your hand in marriage because I love you with my mind, heart, and soul and you are the half that makes me whole. I need to be your wife. I need you to be my husband. I need to be without you forever, 'till death do us part because I love you more than anything and I know you do as well.

I finally understand how you feel. I now know why you were pushing me for an answer so much and I now know why you were so upset when I said I didn't know my answer. It was because of this unconditional love! And I'm so sorry for putting you through that, but now you no longer have to because the day return. The day you see me walk off the Titanic, is the day I will be in your arms forever. That day, we will tell everyone. That day we will pick a date. That day I'm yours for forever.

All my love,
your dearest fiance.

p.s. Hi my love again,
You are probably wondering why I'm sitting with you right now and I did not send this to you. Well that's because I had to there. I had to be there when you read this, I needed to see your face after this and I needed to be able to see your reaction. I need kiss after you read this. I did not want to leave you anticipating my homecoming with this on your mind, I knew you hate that. So instead I decided to bring it on the ship with me, bring it to you myself. So I can't wait to hold in my arms after i read this, I love you.

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