Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Scarlet Letter 5: 107-126

"Why, with such rank in the learned world, had he come hither? What could he, whose sphere was in great cities, be seeking in the wilderness?" (110)

This quotation is hinting that the people of Boston are starting to think it is a bit sketchy that Chillingworth is in Boston. Why would such a smart man, want to be in a place like Boston. This quote foreshadows that the truth will come out. Someone will find out that Chillingworth is actually Hester's husband, and that he is making Dimmesdale sicker. Which will then lead to the people finding out that Dimmesdale is the other 'sinner'. He is Pearl's father. What kind of reaction do you think the people will have to this news?

"'I need know no medicine," said he.
But how could the young minister say so, when, with every successive Sabbath, his cheek was paler and thinner, and his voice more tremulous than before-when it had now become a constant habit, rather than a casual gesture, to press his hand over his heart?"

This quotation relates to the one above. The people of Boston are starting to think that Dimmesdale is getting really sick, and not naturally. This foreshadows the truth coming out, as does the one above. The truth of why and how Dimmesdale is really sick will come out. Do you think Dimmesdale will confess before this is able to happen?

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