Sunday, December 14, 2008

Scarlet Letter 4: 91-107

"It was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life!" (93).

This quote gives the scarlet letter a life. It is like, whatever Pearl does from now on is really the scarlet letter. The scarlet letter can now do things, it can act upon things, it is the mind and soul, and Pearl is just the body in which those actions can come through. Do you think the "scarlet letter" (Pearl) will only do bad things, or will it do good things?

"The scarlet letter was represented in exaggerated and gigantic proportions, so as to be greatly the most prominent feature of her appearance. In truth, she seemed absolutely hidden behind it" (97).

The scarlet letter is now the only thing anyone sees when they look at Hester Prynne, even herself. It has completely consumed Hester Prynne. She is now just a sinner, an adulterer, to everyone, to herself. No one sees Hester Prynne anymore, they just see a sinner. She does not even see herself anymore, she just sees a sinner as well. Will Hester Prynne ever see herself again or will she always be seen as a sinner?

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