Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Scarlet Letter 3: 72-91

"She Shuddered to believe, yet could not help believing, that it gave her a sympathetic knowledge of the hidden sin in other hearts" (80).

With the scarlet letter being so beautifully embroidered, people cannot help but to look. But, Hester is now able to realize that some of the people who look at it, have sinned themselves. She can tell by the way they look at it. Even though Hester has to stand for three hours of shame, and for the rest of her life be known as a sinner, she still has sympathy for other sinners. Even though they get to hid it, that no one else knows, and they are not put to public shame, she sympathizes for them because she knows that shame of yourself is bad enough. The people may not know, but you know yourself and that it is still very hard to live with.

Will Hester get the courage to ask anyone else if they have sinned, and why they shouldn't be punished as well?

"The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but could never be broken" (74).

Hester can never be rid of her sin and rid of this town. No matter where she goes or what does, a part of her will always remain there, and the worst part to. The part of a sinner with always remain there forever, never to be forgotten.

Will Hester get too fed up this, fed up with herself. that she may act irrationally?

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