Tuesday, March 10, 2009

writing in character

What do you think ‘bout family, Huck? Family is mighty ‘mpotant to me. I’s think e’ryone needs a family wid dem at sum poin’. I’s can’t wait ta get my family back. I’s always thinkin’ ‘bout what I’s is gwyne to do wid dem. We’s gwyne have so much fun t’gether. En you can come too, Huck ‘siderin you don’t got no family no more. You’s can come live wid me en my family Huck en we’s live on da river Huck. Just like we’s is doin’ now ‘cept we gwyne have a house en mo’ food and mo people ‘round us bekase we gwyne be’s a big en happy family Huck. I’s woud really like if you would come wid me, Huck bekase you’s is de bes’ fren’ I’s ever had. If I’s didn’ have you’s I’s wouldn’t I’s a wouldn’t be Jim. I’d miss you considerable Huck I’s swears I’s be a cryin’ all de time wid out you. I’s couldn’t have no fun wid out you’s Huck.

An’ you’s been a helpin’ me so much Huck, I’s got to help you, it jus’ wouldn’t be right if I’s didn’t. I’s wuz thinkin’ ‘bout dis fo a while now, but I’s just didn’t knows when I’s shud it, but I’s thought I’s shud jus’ tell you right ‘way bekase what if sumfin terr’ble happened and I’s didn’t let my bes’ fren’ no dis. I’s be a damn foo’ if I’s didn’t tell you en I’s would feel terr’ble all de time bekase you’s is always tellin’ me er’thing an I’s would be mighty than’ful if you’s did come wid me and my family. Dey would really like you’s I’s jis know it bekase I’s like you so dey gotta like you bekase dey family and soon you’s is gwyne be family I’s hope. So Huck, wha’ it a gwyne be? You’s can have sun time to think ‘bout it. I’s know it’s a mighty thing to akse a body out of de blue. Jis keep a thinking’ ‘bout it Huck.

I though it all over awhile and by-and-by I got to more liking the idea of living with Jim and his family. And every time I thought about it I got awful excited I couldn’t wait to do it. But I didn’t tell Jim that I wanted to go yet because I didn’t want him too excited about it because I knowed that was all he’d think about and that would get us nowhere nohow.

When we was tired from our long day out on the river we would lay down and stare at the stars, but I wasn’t really staring at the stars anyway I was really thinking about living on the river with Jim. It would be considerable nice. It would be just like living here on the raft just better. We would have a house and everything and by-and-by maybe we would be rich. There warn’t no way I could say no to all that and I just couldn’t wait to tell Jim, but I was gwyne tell him yet for his own good. He’d get considerable happy and that would all he would think about, I just knowed it. So I kept my mouth shut, didn’t say a word, and just waited for the right time to tell Jim.

The widow would be awfully proud of me for doing such a good thing. Not telling Jim yet for his own good. The widow was always saying how you should does things and shouldn’t do things, whatever ever was right the situation and she was always telling me to look out for others. So, here I am looking out for Jim and not saying a word. No, no way nohow was I gwyne say anything to Jim because I was looking out Jim and doing it for his own good. I knowed Jim would be mighty happy about me being so nice and all so I knowed I was doing the right thing.

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