Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Huck Finn 2: to pg 88

"I says, now I reckon the widow or the parson or somebody prayed that this bread would fine me, and here it had gone and done it. So there ain't non doubt but there is something in that thing. That is, there's something in it when a body like the widow or the parson prays, but it don't work for me" (48)

Huck now does believe that prayer works. He believes that if you pray for something to someone, your prayers will be answered, but only for the right kind of people. Huck doesn't think he is one of those kind of people. Huck doesn't think that he is good enough for prayer. He thinks that he is not good enough for prayer to work for him, so he is not going to bother with it, but that might come back to haunt him later when the one thing he needs is prayer and he thinks he can't have it. Huck needs to realize that he can pray, it doesn't matter what kind of person you are. Pray is for everyone.

"Yes- en I’s rich now, come to look at it. I owns myself, en I’s wuth eight hund’d dollars" (57).

Jim is happy with himself and knows that he owns himself and no one else does. Even though Jim doesn't have the 800 dollars, he still considers himself worth it. He is able to realize that even though he has a little, he still has something, he still has hope. Maybe with all of Jim's hope will rub off on Huck if and when he needs it. Jim's hope will give Huck hope, hope for prayer.

brash - impertinent; impudent; tactless.
"When I got to camp I warn't feeling very brash, there warn't much sand in my craw; but I says, this ain't no time to be fooling around" (50)

fantods - a state of extreme nervousness or restlessness; the willies
"It most gave me the fan-tods" (51).

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