Monday, March 9, 2009

Huck Finn: to pg 157

"If I never learnt nothing else out of pap, I learnt that the best way to get along with his kind of people s to let them have their own way" (137).

Huck has two sides to his moral process, one side is pap and the other side is the widow and they intertwine with each other. Here we see the side of pap's influence come more into the light and it surprisingly is not bad advice at all. I think that the parts of what pap says and the parts of what the widow says that Huck chooses are usually for the better. He seems to be able to pick up on the good things they both have to offer and either put them to use separately or together, which is best fit for the situation. Huck may not make the best choices but his process behind them are always in good intentions.

"Make the best o' things the way you find 'em, says I - that's my motto" (136).

I agree with this statement. I think that when you come to a situation you always just have to make the best of it. It may not be your first reaction to make the best out of it and you might actually make it worse at first, but that's just a little more work. Still try to make the best of the situation because when you have a bad situation circling you, it is all you think about and everything you is because of that and it makes you miserable. But, if you try to make the best out of it, you can let it pass you by without affection you much and maybe even learn a lesson or two from it.

galluses - a pair of suspenders for trousers.
"He had an old battered-up slouch hat on, and a greasy blue woolen shirt, and ragged old blue jeans britches stuffed into his boot tops, and home-knit galluses-no, he only had one" (132).

galoot - an awkward, eccentric, or foolish person.
"Next you'd see a raft sliding by away off yonder, and maybe a galoot on it chopping" (130).

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