Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hale: "Man, remember, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven."(71)

Here Hale is answering to when Proctor said "How may such a woman murder children?" Proctor means that Rebecca Nurse is not one to murder children, she is too much of a good woman to murder children, and Hale then responds with the above quote. It does not matter what a person has done all their life, and what they are made out to be. One tiny little thing can happen that can make them do something completely opposite of their usual self and no one will see it coming. No one will expect it, so even though Rebecca Nurse seems like a good woman, something could have made her opposite, therefore she has to be proven innocent not just said to be innocent.

Hale: "Let you counsel among yourselves; think on your village and what may have dawn from heaven such a thundering wrath upon you all. I shall pray God open your eyes!"(79)

This quote foreshadows that something will come out in the open that happened. Someone will admit to doing something like murder. This could also foreshadow to John Proctor admitting to have had an affair with Abigail. Now to save his wife from being hanged, Proctor might very well have to do this.

1. Will John Proctor admit to having an affair with Abigail in order to save Elizabeth from being hanged?

2. Will Mary Warren be accused for witchcraft for making the doll, even though she is apart of the court?

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