Wednesday, November 26, 2008

crucible essay

Ciara Lynch

AP English 11 - George

November 25, 2008

The Crucible

The Crucible is a drama-filled play and there is one person to blame for all the drama, John Proctor. John proctor is a lustful, dishonest man with a high reputation who commits adultery that puts the wrong idea into a young, naive girl’s mind. He does, in fact, tell his wife about this affair but, decides to keep it a secret from everyone else to ensure that his reputation is not ruined. Because he does have this affair and wants to keep it a secret, horrible events took place that could have been completely avoided if John Proctor was a faithful and honest man from the beginning.

Abigail Williams was a servant for John Proctor and his wife, Elizabeth. While Abigail was a servant for the Proctor’s, Proctor had an affair with her which put the wrong idea into Abigail’s mind. He made Abigail think that he loved her and that he wanted her. Abigail said, while grasping his hand “John-I am waitin’ for you every night.” (Miller 22). Proctor clearly gave Abigail hope that he wanted her and the only thing standing in Abigail’s way to get to Proctor was Elizabeth. Since Proctor put the idea into Abigail’s mind that he loved her, it made Abigail want to get rid of Elizabeth, to kill Elizabeth, “You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!”(19). Although it may seem that Abigail is equally at fault since it takes two to have an affair, but Proctor is much older than Abigail. She is only seventeen years of age and very naive. Proctor was in a position of power, he was old enough to realize that this could give this young, naive girl the completely wrong impression, but he did it anyway which did indeed give Abigail the wrong impression, which made her want to kill Elizabeth. Abigail would have never wanted to kill Elizabeth with witchcraft, which would have never been a factor if Proctor had not gone through with the affair that not only could jeopardize his marriage, but his high reputation.

John Proctor was a man of high reputation, “Proctor, respected and even feared in Salem.” The people of Salem highly respected him and he was the kind of man that did not want to lose his high reputation. It was a big factor in his life, so big in fact, that he did not tell anyone about his affair except for Elizabeth, “God forbid you keep that from the court, John I think they must be told.”(53). If Proctor had just told the court he had an affair with Abigail, that would be the answer to why she was committing witchcraft and it would have avoided an emotionally distressing event with his wife.

Because Proctor does not tell of the affair, he cannot accuse Abigail because the only proof he has of why she would want to commit witchcraft to kill his wife would be that they had an affair but he does not want to admit to that. So, Abigail is empowered to accuse Elizabeth of being a witch because Abigail still believes that Proctor loves her. Abigail accuses Elizabeth of committing a voodoo act on a doll, that affects Abigail, “Abigail Williams, sir. She sat down to dinner in Reverend Parris’s house tonight, and without a word nor warnin’ she falls to the floor[…]stuck two in the in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out[…] she-to proctor now-testify it were your wife’s familiar spirit pushed it in.”(74). Because of Abigail doing this, Elizabeth is accused and is to be jailed and has a possibility of being hanged all because Proctor did not tell the truth about having the affair. He knew he should have told the truth because he knew that having the affair was the wrong thing to do. He should have admitted to it, to give the proof for all the more reason for Abigail to accuse Elizabeth.

Proctor obviously knew what he did was wrong or else he would not have asked for forgiveness, “I would have your forgiveness, Elizabeth.”(136). He knew it was wrong, so he should have just told the truth from the beginning and shown remorse then, asked for forgiveness then and the court would have believed him. Abigail would had never had the chance to accuse Elizabeth. But since, he did not tell the truth from the beginning it was just too little too late.
Since Proctor failed to tell the truth at the opportune moment to change things , it led to the death of twelve people, plus seven more to come, “Twelve are already executed; the names of these seven are given out, and the village expects to see them die this morning.”(129) Twelve people that were accused had already been hanged by the time Proctor did come out with the truth and seven others are to be hanged and they cannot be pardon because it would not be just. But as said before, it was too little too late for Proctor.

All this concludes that John Proctor is the most to blame for all the events that happened in The Crucible. All of the people accused, all of the people harmed, physically or emotionally, all of the people hanged, was all because of John Proctor’s lustful, dishonest, ways and of course to keep his reputation high.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hale: "If you think God wills you to raise a rebellion, Mr. Danforth, you are mistaken!"(130)

Here Mr. Danforth says he must hang the people that were accused, and he cannot postpone it. But, Hale says that if Mr. Danforth is going hang this people it will cause a rebellion and God is not saying that. Mr. Danforth thinks he is doing God's work on the Earth and he has to hang this people for justice, but Hale says that this is not what God wants. He does not want a rebellion to start and if Mr. Danforth thinks that, he is wrong.
Why does Mr. Danforth thinks that he is doing God's work in the world?

Elizabeth: "John, it come to naught that I should forgive you, if you'll not forgive yourself. It is not my soul, John, it is yours."(136)

Here John is asking Elizabeth for forgiveness because he does not know any other way to ask for forgiveness but Elizabeth says that it's not her to forgive him, it's himself. Proctor has to forgive himself in order to be washed away of his sins. It doesn't really matter is Elizabeth will forgive him, he has to forgive himself first.

Does Proctor finally forgive himself at the end?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crucible 11/20

Cheever: "I know Mr. Parris be arguin' with the farmers all yesterday-there is a great contention, sir, about the cows. Contention make him weep, sir; it were always man that weep for contention." (125)

Here, Cheever is saying that Mr. Parris is upset and crying because of an argument over who's cow is who's. But, I don't think a man, especially in this particular situation, would cry over something as small as that. He has bigger problems to deal with. Maybe the real reason he cries is because something worse has happened with Betty, or maybe even Abigail. Later we come find out that something actually has happened. Abigail has "vanished" and has been gone for three days. So, Parris must have been crying because his niece is missing, not over a impractical cow argument. There was much more to his crying, Cheever was being oblivious to the witchcraft event going on at the time to even think that it was something more than a small argument.

Proctor: "You are pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore!"(120)

Here, Proctor is making a very bold statement. He is saying that Danforth is bringing Heaven and God down and putting a whore (Abigail) above God and Heaven. He says this because he has done nothing but tell the truth through this whole event and Danforth is insisting on believing Abigail, who is lying out of her teeth. Proctor is being a good man, he is doing what is right and doing what God would want him to do. He is putting God and Heaven first, but Danforth is listening to Abigail and saying that Proctor is lying. He won't even think twice to see if Abigail really is lying, he is believing her because she is a "child" and since he thinks Proctor is a lecher, he thinks everything else that Proctor does must be a lie or ungodly like.

With Abby's disappearance, are the people going to think it witchcraft?

Or, are the people going to think Proctor or Elizabeth have something to do with her disappearance?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crucibl 11/19

Danforth: "There is fear in the country because there is a moving plot to topple Christ in the country!"(98)

This quote is saying that all through the country there is a plot to conquer Christ; Christianity. In this time of people being accused of witchcraft gives all the more reason for this statement to be true. But we really only know of this one sac-religious event going on, so this quote is some what of a stretch. But, with the seriousness of this accused witchcraft, a stretch needs to be taken in order to get the truth out. So, why does everyone think that everyone else is lying, whether they are saying they are a witch or not?

Proctor: "A man may think God sleeps, but God sees everything."(110)
At the time when Proctor was with Abigail, he was thinking that God couldn't see him do this, God can't see him do everything, but he was wrong and he knows it. He came to the realization that God sees everyone and everything. So it doesn't matter if he lies about to anyone because God still knows so he might as well just come out with anyway, so he did. Because God is the worst one to catch you doing something bad, and He already did catch Proctor. He caught him before Proctor even did, because as we learned in Theology 11 God knows everything that you are going to do it, before you even know it, but He does not make you do it. So, why didn't Proctor just come clean with it earlier, before things got this bad?

Monday, November 17, 2008

crucible 11/18

Danforth: "But you must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between."(94)

This quote shows the fine line of division between the people. Clearly stated, you have to be with the court and if not you are against it, which means you go to jail. Now, to the people of the court being "with" the court means that you are for every single cause of the court, but if you disagree on one small account, then you are "against it" and therefore jailed. This is basically a manipulation. The court are manipulating the people into being with them, because if you are against them, then you are jailed. People do not want to go to jail, so any disagreements they have, do not exist, for they are "with" the court. Will anyone speak up and disagree that will cause a thicker line?

Danforth: "The pure in heart need no lawyers."(93)

If you are an innocent in heart, or pure in heart, person, and always have been, there is no reason for you to have a lawyer. But if you have not always been an Innocent person you need a lawyer. But, someone can easily make everyone believe they are an innocent, can't they? And when they accomplish this, they can get away with anything because to the people they are innocent, "pure in heart." So as said by Danforth earlier, "The entire contention of the state in these trials is that the voice of heaven is speaking through the children." Children are innocent, heaven is pure. Why are the children being questioned?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hale: "Man, remember, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven."(71)

Here Hale is answering to when Proctor said "How may such a woman murder children?" Proctor means that Rebecca Nurse is not one to murder children, she is too much of a good woman to murder children, and Hale then responds with the above quote. It does not matter what a person has done all their life, and what they are made out to be. One tiny little thing can happen that can make them do something completely opposite of their usual self and no one will see it coming. No one will expect it, so even though Rebecca Nurse seems like a good woman, something could have made her opposite, therefore she has to be proven innocent not just said to be innocent.

Hale: "Let you counsel among yourselves; think on your village and what may have dawn from heaven such a thundering wrath upon you all. I shall pray God open your eyes!"(79)

This quote foreshadows that something will come out in the open that happened. Someone will admit to doing something like murder. This could also foreshadow to John Proctor admitting to have had an affair with Abigail. Now to save his wife from being hanged, Proctor might very well have to do this.

1. Will John Proctor admit to having an affair with Abigail in order to save Elizabeth from being hanged?

2. Will Mary Warren be accused for witchcraft for making the doll, even though she is apart of the court?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

crucible 11/13

Elizabeth: "You'll tear it free-when you come to know that I will be yo our only wife, or no wife at all! She has an arrow in you yet, John Proctor, and you know it well."

This quote is full of emotion. Elizabeth lets John know that he will never have another wife so he has to let her spirit free. She also makes it clear to him that she is aware of him knowing that he still lusts over Abigail. Now that Elizabeth knows that John still lusts over Abigail, John will have to do something about and fast. He will have to stop it because it is all out in the open now. And he has to now come to the realization that he cannot have the both of them and he will never really have Abigail or any other woman at that. The only will he will ever have is Elizabeth even is she did decide to leave him.

Hale: "Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small."

Here, Hale is saying that any small mistake in theology is never considered small. It is considered big, just as a small crack is a fortress would be considered big. The small mistakes that John makes, like not going to Church every Sunday, may not seem like a big deal but it is. It is a very big deal, a big enough deal to put his family on the list of suspicion of witchcraft. Any "small" mistake in living the Christian life is just an asking for suspicion at this time. Any mistake that is made, suspicion of witchcraft is not far behind.

What part of the court is Mary Warren apart of?

Does John Proctor believe that Abigail does want Elizabeth dead and that Abigail does want to take Elizabeth's place?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crucible 11/12

Proctor: "I've heard you to be a sensible man, Mr. hale. I hope you'll leave some of it in Salem."(37)

This quote implies that Proctor thinks that the people of Salem need some sense in them. That they are being irrational and need to be sensible and he hopes that Mr. Hale will bring that to them.

Hale: "What victory would the Devil have to win a soul already bad? It is the best the Devil wants, and who is better than the minister?"(41)

In this quote Mr. Hale is saying that the reason this is happening to Betty is because she has a good soul and she is the daughter of the minister so she must have the best soul. The people of Salem who are bad, the Devil has to do no work on them for they are already bad so he has to go after the good. And being the minister's daughter is by far the best.

What is 'incubi and succubi'?

Are the girls now completely free of the Devil because they have said who was with the Devil?

Crucible 11/6

Abigail : " I know you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near! Or did I dream that? It's she put me out, you cannot pretend it were you. I saw your face when she put me out, and you loved then and you do now!" (22)

This quote shows that Abigail and John Proctor had an affair and Abigail is convinced that Proctor loves her still.

Proctor: "I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach only hellfire and bloody damnation. Take it to heart, Mr. Parris. There are many others who stay away from church these days because you hardly ever mention God any more." (29)

This quote shows that in church Parris seems to only talk about hell and about damnation. Some of the people of Salem do not want to go to church any more because they do not want to hear anything about hell and about being damned. They want to hear about God, but Parris is not preaching about God any more.

1. What is diabolism?

2. Are the girls doing witchcraft to get back at people in the town that have done wrong to them?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

homework 1

1. Mrs. Putnam: "They were murdered, Mr Parris! And mark this proof! Mark it! Last night my Ruth were ever so close to their little spirits; I know it, sir. For how else is she dumb except some power of darkness would stop her mouth? It us a marvelous sign, Mr. Parris!"(16)

This quote shows that Mrs. Putnam is not against witchcraft. She says that her daughter was "ever so close to their little spirits" meaning that she was nearly in contact with them and Mr. Putnam says she knows this because that is the only reason that Ruth would not be talking because Ruth tried to conjure up the dead. Mr. Putnam is excited about this, she wants to Ruth to get in contact with them. She wants to know who murdered them.

2. Parris: " Thomas, Thomas, I pray you, leap not to witchcraft. I know that you-you least of all, Thomas, would never wish a disastrous a charge aid upon me. we cannot leap to witchcraft. They will howl me out of Salem for such a corruption in my house."(12)

It is safe to say from this quote that witchcraft is definitely not excepted in Salem and that any word of it, you will be looked down upon. Parris is obviously worried about this, he does not want to have to leave Salem because he knows that he will have to if the people think it is witchcraft.

1. Why do they call people 'Goody', for example, Goody Putnam or Goody Ann?

2. What did Betty do that was more horrible than the rest to make her sick and not anyone else?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Crucible Classwork

Characterize characters

Reverend Samuel Parris - paranoid "He believed he was being persecuted everywhere he went."
not that good of a father "He was a widower with no interest in children, or talent with them."
Betty Parris - Reverend Parris's daughter,
sick "Betty Parris, aged ten, is lying on the bed, inert"
Background of the play.
Salem, Massachusetts is a small town in New England. Everyone seems to know each other. It is a strictly Christian town, everyone is very religious and does not go against that. Any signs of non-Christians will be known to everyone. Everyone also seems very uptight and stuck up. They seem to look down to anyone who is slightly different than them. Even though they looked down to anyone they could not really say anything, until the "madness" that was soon to happen occurs and they are able to get everyone out.
There is a suspicion of witchcraft and these "witches" being hunted gave the people of Salem an opportunity to get all of their flaws, sins, and guilt out their systems without a price to pay. They were able to express their feelings and tell the whole truth without being judges for once. This was maybe the only time the people of Salem could lift all the wait off their shoulders without hatred and snobbery acted toward them in return. They could finally have a clean slate.