Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Essential 6

What parallels can be drawn between the Pardoner's Prologue and his tale? How is this tale different from the other two that we have studied? Think in regards to the Pardoner's voice and how Chaucer's style changes.

The parallels that can be drawn between the Pardoner's Prologue and his tale are the vices he discusses in both. In his tale, he tells a story about 3 men who indulge in the vices of fraud, gluttony, blasphemy, etc. and like these 3 men, the Pardoner also indulges in all of these vices. This tale is different from the others because the Pardoner's tale does not tell a story of difficulties/vices and how to learn from them, the Pardoner still continues to act upon the vices. The Pardoner does not learn from his mistakes, even though he tells others that they should.