Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Picture Of Dorian Gray 3

"He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time."
Here, it is said that Lord Henry is purposely always late. He thinks that being on time and prompt is the thief of time, so he chooses to be late. Strangely he is always saying that he is going to be late and that he must go, but it is just a cover up because he ends up staying where he is now and being late to his next engagement, purposely. This is a part of his movement because he is purposely trying to act in the way that everyone else would not dare too. No one else would dare be late so, he is late. He is trying so hard to be different and a bad influence.
'"My dear boy, the people who love only once in their lives are really the shallow people. What they call their loyalty, and their fidelity, I call either the lethargy of custom or their lack of imagination. Faithfulness is to the emotional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect--simply a confession of failure"'
Here, Lord Henry again says the exact opposite to what most of the world believes. Most people believe that you should only love one person and love them for the rest of your life, but he thinks that they are shallow, and that you should love as much as you can, when most people would actually think that as shallow. He thinks that people who love once have no imagination, and that faithful people are just heading towards failure. Where as most people believe that being unfaithful will lead you to failure and that being able to love once is using imagination because you are able to love that same person for the many, many years and still find something joyous, new and interesting in them everyday.
frangipanni - any of various tropical American deciduous shrubs or trees of the genus Plumeria having milky sap and showy fragrant funnel-shaped variously colored flowers
esprit - sprightliness of spirit or wit; lively intelligence

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Picture Of Dorian Gray 2

"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic" (39)

This quote is saying that every good thing that there is, there is always something bad that before it or that will come after it. For example, Dorian Gray and Hallward's friends was a good one, but now Lord Henry has come and taken Dorian's attention off Hallward and toward Lord Henry. Also with Dorian's good looks, either his good looks will get him into something awful, like between Hallward and Lord Henry, or they will go away and as he said himself, Dorian will kill himself.

spitted (36) - to pierce, stab, or transfix, as with a spit; impale on something sharp

"To get back one's youth one has merely to repeat one's follies" (44)

Here, Lord Henry is saying that all someone has to do to get their youth back is to relive your youthful life again. Do all the silly things and make all the mistakes you made when you were young because it will make you feel young again, because when you were young and making those mistakes you thought it was just because you were young.

lucrative - (38) profitable; moneymaking; remunerative

The Picture Of Dorian Gray 1

"'Dorian Gray is to me simply a motive in art. You might see nothing in him. I see everything in him. He is never more present in my work than when no image of him is there [...] I find him in the curves of certain lines, in the loveliness and subtleties of certain colors. That is all"' (13)

Here, Hallward is trying to convince Lord Henry and himself that Dorian Gray is no more that a piece to his work, but it is very plain to see that Dorian Gray has pretty much taken over Hallward's life. Dorian is present in work that does not even have a picture of him, so clearly Hallward is thinking of him often and Dorian has overcome Hallward's work that every piece of Hallward's work is a piece of Dorian Gray.

"'It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible"' (24)

Here, Lord Henry says the exact opposite of what most people believe. Most people believe that you should not judge be appearances, 'Don't judge a book by it's cover', but, Lord Henry thinks you should. He thinks that someones appearance is everything, when most think that appearances are not nearly as important than what is on the inside, but Lord Henry thinks the real questions come from the appearance.

Languidly (4) - lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow

auctioneer (9) - a person who conducts sales by auction

Monday, January 5, 2009

scarlet letter 12: 221-135

"But, throughout it all, and through the whole discourse, there had been a certain deep, sad undertone of pathos, which could not be interpreted otherwise than as the natural regret of one soon to pass away" (222).

This quotation is the first that says Dimmesdale is really dying and that the people know it. They can tell in the way that he is speaking and the tone of his voice. He uses much pathos and they can see that. This is kind of Dimmesdales farewell speech of life. It is his confession of everything to everyone right before he dies so he can die with a cleared slate.

"Were there not the brilliant particles of a halo in the air above his head?" (224).

Here, you can tell that the people still see Dimmesdale as a saint here on earth. They still see him that even though they know he has faults and that he has made mistakes.

reverberating-(reverberate), to reecho or resound. (
This...was felt to be an irrepressible outburst of enthusiasm kindled in the auditors by that high strain of eloquence which was yet reverberating in their ears.

zenith- the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or observer. (
Within the church, it had hardly been kept down; beneath the sky, it pealed upward to the zenith.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Scarlet Letter 15-22

Chapter 15

  • Hester hates Roger Chillingworth very much; thinks he is extremely evil - pg 158 and 159
  • Pearl makes an "A" on her chest with eel grass- 161; "but freshly green, instead of scarlet" Pearl thinks her mother wears it for the same reason Dimmesdale puts his hand over his chest.

Chapter 16

  • thinking about telling Dimmesdale who Chillingworth really is - pg 164
  • '''Mother,'' said little Pearl, "the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself because it is afraid of something on your bosom....It will not flee from me, for I wear nothing on my bosom yet!"' pg 165
  • Pearl asks if Hester ever met the black man - pg 167; "And mother, the old dame said that this scarlet letter was the Black Man's mark on thee"7
  • Pearl thinks that Dimmesdale is the Black Man when he is walking toward them - pg169

Chapter 17

  • Hester tells Dimmesdale that Chillingworth is her husband - pg 175
  • Dimmesdale says he cannot forgive Hester for this and that she is account for him sickness but Hester tells him to let God punish her and for him to forgive her - pg 175
  • And Dimmesdale does end up forgiving her - pg 176
  • Dimmesdale is afraid that Chillingworth will tell everyone about Hester and Dimmesdale - pg 178
  • Hester and Dimmesdale want to run away to Europe

Chapter 18

  • They being to feel joy again - pg 182
  • Hester took off the scarlet letter - pg 182; she let her hair down and smiled and got her beauty back - pg 183
  • Hester is excited about Dimmesdale knowing his daughter (Pearl) and vice versa - pg 183
  • Dimmesdale is worried that Pearl will not like him - pg -183

Chapter 19

  • Pearl would not go to her mother unless she had the scarlet letter on her chest - pg 188-189; Hester puts the scarlet letter back on - 190
  • Pearl asks if Dimmesdale will go back in town with them together "hand in hand" even though Hester has not yet told her that he is her father - pg 191

Chapter 20

  • Hester finds a ship to take the three of them to Europe- pg 193
  • Dimmesdale feels strange, he does not feel the same - pg 195
  • Dimmesdale tells Chillingworth that he does need hid medication anymore - pg 201
  • Chillingworth is kind of worried that Dimmesdale knows who he really is, but says nothing - pg 201

Chapter 21

  • Chillingworth is going on the ship as well - pg 210; he says that he is apart of Hester's party
  • When Hester looks up and sees Chillingworth he is smiling at her, " a smile which...conveyed secret and fearful meaning" - pg 211

Chapter 22

  • Dimmesdale seemed healthier than ever - pg 213
  • Pearl does not recognize him - pg 215
  • Mistress Hibbins says that the Black Man's mark on Dimmesdale will soon be revealed to everyone - pg 216-217
  • Chillingworth says that he will make sure Dimmesdale is on the ship, and that Hester should only take care of herself and Pearl. This worries Hester that they will all make it on the ship - pg 220
  • Hester realizes that everyone is circling her and starting at her and the scarlet letter